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All major surgery of the urinary tract in children more than 6 Kg by keyhole technique (Laparoscopy & Robotic) available in our unit

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Welcome to Website Of Pediatric Urology of Indraprastha Hospital
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Our Pediatric urology service is  a one stop service for the entire range of investigations   and treatment for antenatal diagnosis of dilatation of urinary tract, recurrent urinary tract infection in a baby, abnormal genitalia, inguinoscrotal swelling,  absent  testis  and  neuropathic bladder. The treatment of urological conditions of infancy should be done after the detailed evaluation of the anatomy and function of lower and upper urinary tract. In order to understand this all investigations requiring catheterization i.e.   micturating cystourethrogram (MCU) or Cystometry (Urodynamic study  to evaluate bladder function) is done under mild  sedation so that babies don’t have any pain   and  under  intravenous  antibiotic cover. Ultrasound is done with a member of the pediatric urology team present when it is being done so that it is done on the protocol required for a long term follow up.  Nuclear medicine studies are available to evaluate    the renal   function, drainage and renal   scarring. While this is being done assistance is available from our team to modify the studies in a manner so that interpretation of studies is reliable.

The entire range of therapeutic interventions i.e. endoscopy, laparoscopy, lithotripsy, reconstruction and excision of tumors is done in association with supporting pediatric specialties like Pediatric nephrologists, endocrinologists, oncologist leading to an appropriate perioperative outcome and long term follow up as per international protocol.

During the entire course of investigation and treatment, the babies and children are managed in a pain and anxiety free state under the supervision of experienced neonatal and pediatric intensivists. In the last ten years, more than a thousand babies and children have been managed with the entire range of urological problems with satisfactory outcomes. As parents, you are welcome to engage in conversation with parents who have come to us and who will happily share their experience with you.

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